Boys’ Brigade | Girls’ Brigade | 2017/18
With the summer holidays coming to an end, it won’t be long until the church’s weeknight program is back in full swing. That means that the Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade will be starting again soon and many of you have been asking how to enrol your kids these organisations. All the necessary details are found below –
Girls’ Brigade
Girls’ Brigade will begin on Monday 4th September. Explorers (3-8yrs) will meet from 6.30pm – 7.30pm. To join the Explorers, Girls must be 3 years old by 1st July. The Company section (8-18yrs) meets from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Registration will take place on the first night so please come along.
Boys’ Brigade
To register for Boys’ Brigade all you need to do come along on the first night. The first meeting will be on Thursday 14th September from 6:45pm – 7:45pm in the church hall.
If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch through the front page of our website or send us a message via our Facebook page.
The GB and BB look forward to seeing you all soon!